Customer Story Austria

Företrädesemission 29 januari -12 februari

I samband med pågående nyemission, med teckningsperiod 29 januari – 12 februari, har vi publicerat en teaser som sammanfattar nuläget och beskriver de spännande aktiviteter som pågår i Monivent. 

Customer Story Austria

Medical University of  Vienna was one of the first hospitals to start using Monivent Neo100 in a clinical setting and Monivent Neo Training for simulation as well as for research projects.

During 2022, the Division of Neonatology, conducted a clinical study using Neo100 in the delivery room and neonatal intensive care unit. The results showed that use of Monivent Neo100 significantly increases the quality of ventilations of newborns. Excessive tidal volumes have previously been associated with an increased risk of brain injury and the study showed that high volumes could be reduced when using Neo100.

In this interview, Dr Wagner, a neonatal consultant at the Medical University of Vienna and Head of the Pediatric Simulation Training Center, shares his experience on using Neo100 and Neo Training. His research focus is on simulation-based medical education, clinical education, airway management and delivery room management. Dr Wagner has, together with the team at MedUni Vienna, conducted numerous research projects within these areas.


Customer Story Austria

Download here: Customer Story Austria