Customer Story France

Customer Story France

The ability to deliver effective ventilations represents a critical factor when managing newborns in need of ventilatory support. Mastering accurate ventilation is an essential skill that needs regular practice.

One of the first neonatal intensive care units (NICU) to use Monivent Neo Training and later the Neo100, was the NICU at Paris-Saclay University Hospital in Paris, France.

The patients at the NICU in Paris are either term, preterm or even extremely preterm. All team members, from nurses and interns to doctors, participate in the training sessions. In this customer story Dr Nadya Yousef, senior neonatal consultant and responsible for quality improvement projects at the NICU in Paris, shares her experience of using Neo Training.

“We want to improve our quality of care. With practical sessions and simulations with in situ scenarios we try to improve our teams, both their performance, team cohesion and how they work together”

–  Nadya Yousef, neonatologist at the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris – Saclay University Hospitals.


Learn more about Neo Training 

Customer Story France

Link to customer story: Customer Story France