Summary of Publications - Clinical

Företrädesemission 29 januari -12 februari

I samband med pågående nyemission, med teckningsperiod 29 januari – 12 februari, har vi publicerat en teaser som sammanfattar nuläget och beskriver de spännande aktiviteter som pågår i Monivent. 

Summary of Publications – Clinical

Here you’ll find summary of publications related to e.g. respiratory function monitoring, mask ventilation and other aspects related to ventilation of newborns in the delivery room and the neonatal intensive care unit.


Summary of Publications - Clinical

  • Respiratory function monitoring to improve the outcomes following neonatal resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    In this recent systematic review and meta-analysis, the authors evaluate whether the use of a respiratory function monitor (RFM) in addition to clinical assessment versus clinical assessment alone during mask ventilation in the delivery room reduces in-hospital mortality and morbidity of infants <37 weeks’ gestation.

    2022 - Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed

    de Medeiros S. M et al

  • Enhanced monitoring during neonatal resuscitation

    Adequate ventilation is the cornerstone of successful neonatal resuscitation, therefore it is mandatory that anybody involved in neonatal resuscitation is trained in mask ventilation techniques. In this article, the authors discuss the currently available monitoring devices used during stabilization/resuscitation in the delivery room (DR).

    2019 - Seminars in Perinatology

    Schmölzer G. M, Morley C. J and Kamlin O. C. O.F

  • New Strategies of Pulmonary Protection of Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room with the Respiratory Function Monitor

    In this study, the authors set out to analyze if the use of a respiratory function monitor (RFM) during the initial breaths can improve lung stabilization and prevent the use of large tidal volumes (Vt) in the delivery room (DR).

    2019 - American Journal of Perinatology

    Zeballos Sarrato G et al

  • Impact of delivered tidal volume on the occurrence of intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants during PPV in the DR

    Delivery of unintentional high tidal volume during positive pressure ventilation (PPV) in the delivery room (DR) is common. In animal models, the delivery of high tidal volumes have been associated with heamodynamic brain injury. Delivery of excessive tidal volumes (Vts) potentially causes hypocarbia, which is associated with white matter injury including periventricular leukomalacia (PVL).

    2018 - Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed

    Mian Q et al

  • Relationship of resuscitation, respiratory function monitoring data and outcomes in preterm infants

    Intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and broncho-pulmonary dysplasia (BPD) are major complications of premature birth. Studies from infants receiving neonatal intensive care have demonstrated that hypocarbia is associated with the development of IVH and BPD. Hypocarbia can result from excessive mechanical ventilation.

    2018 - European Journal of Pediatrics

    Pahuja A et al

  • Unraveling the Links Between the Initiation of Ventilation and Brain Injury in Preterm Infants

    Inappropriate tidal volumes (VT) delivered to preterm infants during respiratory support substantially increase the risk of injury and inflammation to the lungs and brain. This is of particular importance given that preterm infants have a significanlty increased risk of acute and chronic brain injury compared to term infants.

    2015 - Frontiers in Pediatrics

    Barton S. K et al

  • Mask Ventilation of Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room

    In this observational study, infants <32 weeks gestation received mask positive pressure ventilation (PPV) in the delivery room (DR). The study objective was to measure tidal volumes and describe the interactions between spontaneous breaths and PPV inflations during stabilization of preterm infants in the delivery room. The investigators used a respiratory function monitor (RFM) to evaluate the first 5 minutes after birth.

    2013 - Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed

    Kaufman J et al

  • Visual attention during pediatric resuscitation with feedback devices: a randomized simulation study

    This randomized cross-over simulation study at Medical University of Vienna, was aimed at investigating the effect of feedback devices on visual attention and the quality of pediatric resuscitation. In total 40 participants were included and each performed 4 resuscitation scenarios with the support of feedback devices randomized.

    2022 - Nature

    M Wagner et al