Monivent® Products
Företrädesemission 29 januari -12 februari
I samband med pågående nyemission, med teckningsperiod 29 januari – 12 februari, har vi publicerat en teaser som sammanfattar nuläget och beskriver de spännande aktiviteter som pågår i Monivent.
The ability to deliver effective ventilations represents a critical factor when managing newborns requiring ventilatory support. As the need to apply this skill can be relatively infrequent, there is a clear need for regular and high-quality ventilation training. To meet this need, the Monivent Neo Training device offers a unique training solution for maintaining and improving manual ventilation skills.
Monivent Neo Training is used during ventilation training on manikin. It measures flow via a Sensor Module wirelessly integrated in the face mask and provides continuous feedback on several ventilation parameters, including tidal volume and mask leakage. Feedback is displayed numerically and graphically on an external monitor. A color indication on the display and on the Sensor Module shows if tidal volumes are within a set target range, or guides the caregiver to make the necessary adjustments to the ventilation.
Simple set up by connecting the Monivent Neo Training face mask to conventional bag-valve-mask or T-piece resuscitator.
Wireless data transfer enhances realism by eliminating connecting cables or tubing.
Continuous real time feedback enhances and speeds up learning.
Feedback on mask leakage helps identify need to adjust face mask position.
PIP in combination with VTe helps identify potential airway obstruction and provides a better understanding of lung compliance.
Personal training log shows performance over time, increases motivation to practice and improves ventilation skills.
"Now we can train our team members to ventilate with volumes that are efficient but not dangerous" - Nadya Yousef, Neonatologist at Paris-Saclay University Hospital, Paris, France
"The Monivent Neo Training has been a fantastic tool in demonstrating what happens during leaks and how to troubleshoot. - Dr Vishnu Dasireddy, Neonatologist at Nepean Hospital, Sydney, Australia
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Interested to learn more about Monivent Neo Training?
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